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EU4Business – Connecting companies and creating synergies between Moldovan and Lithuanian entities

//EU4Business – Connecting companies and creating synergies between Moldovan and Lithuanian entities

EU4Business – Connecting companies and creating synergies between Moldovan and Lithuanian entities

On the period 13 – 17 of September, a delegation of enterprises and representatives of Business Support Organizations from Lithuania with the main activities in textile, confection and apparel sector, participated in a study visit in Republic of Moldova, conducted by ProEntranse organization.

On 13, 15 and 16 of September 2022, in the first part of the days, Lithuanian and Moldovan Business Support Organizations, participated 3 session trainings held by Lithuanian lecturer, Dalius Raskinis.

The representatives of Lithuanian and Moldova BSO during the training sessions, together with Dalius Raskinis discussed 3 main topics:

  • Export to European Union Market. How to start?
  • Textile sector in Lithuania and European Union;
  • Business Model CANVAS;

Wednesday, 14th of September 2022, the Lithuanian companies from textile and apparel sector, together with representatives of Business Support Organizations visited the Preva company from Peresecina Village, Orhei District and Ennsgern company from Balti Municipality.

Participants from Lithuania had the opportunity to discuss with the company owners about the work processes, the company’s main products, but also to learn about the problems they face and the primary needs to face the competition on the national or international market. An important topic of discussion was the connection between Ennsgern and Preva Company from Republic of Moldova with related companies from Lithuania.

On 15 and 16 of September, Lithuanian companies from textile and apparel sector, together with representatives of Business Support Organizations participated at the Moldovan Business Week 2022.

At the event, with speeches about the national business situation, social improvement and support for the entrepreneurs came Marin Ciobanu, General Director, Invest Moldova Agency, Natalia Gavrilita, Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Sergiu Gaibu Minister of Economy of the Republic of Moldova, STATE Secretars and other important representatives of government institutions and agencies.

During the panel „Manufacturing Fashion” participants were informed about the light industry situation in Republic of Moldova, especially about the textile and apparel sectors. Based on duty-free access to EU, Eastern European and Turkish markets, Made in Moldova fashion products are exported to more than 12 countries, mainly to the European Union. Is important to mention the B2B meetings held between Lithuanian and Moldovan companies during the Moldovan Business Week, with potential cooperation and investment in the near future.

During the respective period, representatives of Lithuanian companies visited individually important enterprises from Chisinau such as Artizana or Tagaer.

The study visit of enterprises and representatives of Business Support Organizations from Lithuania was organized by ProEntranse, partner from Republic of Moldova within the project „Study visits – a way to sustainable fashion (SV-SF)”, ENI/2019/411-865 – EU4BCC, with the financial support of the EU4Business initiative of the European Union, implemented together with European Movement Lithuania from Vilnius.

By | 2022-09-27T10:36:46+00:00 septembrie 19th, 2022|Uncategorized @ro|0 Comments

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